Do you own your own business? Do you want to buy small business health insurance? Or are you looking for the best small business health insurance options available? Whatever your situation, here are ten affordable small business health insurance plans to consider. The information provided here will help you understand what a plan covers and how much it costs so that you can make an informed decision about the best small business health insurance option for your needs.
1) How much does small business health insurance cost?
Small business health insurance is typically more affordable than group coverage for large businesses. This is because small businesses are more likely to be exempt from state and federal health insurance mandates and can negotiate lower rates with insurers. In addition, small business owners that operate in fields that don’t require much medical care may opt for a plan with low monthly premiums but high deductibles. Monthly premiums can range anywhere from $150 to $1,500 or more depending on your location, industry and choice of doctor or hospital.