10 Affordable Small Business Health Insurance Plans

8) If you don’t offer health benefits, consider them anyway

According to our research, 54% of business owners who do not offer health benefits plan to begin offering them in 2013, and an additional 35% will likely consider doing so. So if you haven’t done so already, it may be time to take a look at your employees’ benefit needs, as well as your budget.


9) Do your homework before buying a new policy

When you’re buying insurance for your small business, it can be tempting to buy a policy without carefully comparing all of your options and deciding whether you really need that particular plan. But if you don’t do your homework, you might end up with an expensive policy that doesn’t cover all of your employees or provide enough coverage to offset health care costs.

10) Know what type of Insurance your business needs

It is important to understand which type of insurance your business needs in order to know what kind of deductible, co-insurance and coinsurance will be appropriate for your business. If you don’t understand any of these terms then it is a good idea to learn about them before purchasing health insurance for your small business.

Health insurance tips: Should you opt for riders and top up plans?

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