There are numerous car insurance secrets no one tells you about unless you know to ask. For example, huge discounts can help you save 25% or more on your monthly insurance premiums, and it’s possible you already qualify**. If you’re eligible for multiple promotions, you stand to save a whole lot more.
Discounts You Could Be Eligible For
The many discounts include price reductions for low mileage drivers, having a good driving record with no driving violations, DUIs or tickets. Being accident-free in the past three years, insuring multiple vehicles or have airbags. Even having an anti-theft system installed can net you a discount.
The list below explains the best car insurance discounts out there, who can qualify and how much you might be able to save.
1.Passive Restraint Discount
This type of discount is available for drivers who have a car with factory-installed air bags, seat belts, or another passive restraint system.
While the amount of any potential discount can vary, State Farm says having this equipment saves their customers up to 40% off their Medical Payments coverage.
2.New Customer Discount
Being a new customer can also help you secure lower auto insurance rates – at least at first. This is part of the reason you can save so much just by being willing to change insurance companies every few years.
Also If your policy is about to renew and the annual premium has gone up markedly, consider shopping around and obtaining quotes from competing companies. Also, every year or two it probably makes sense to obtain quotes from other companies, just in case there is a lower rate out there.
You can save more than $700 annually on your new car insurance. So if you were going to buy new car insurance or about to renew car insurance. You just need to apply for insurance quotes and you can able to claim the discount and save over $700 on your car insurance.
Apply for Insurance Quotes is free and easy, and it only takes a few minutes.
Step 1: Enter your zip code below.
Step 2: Fill out some basic information in order to get quotes and compare policies.
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